Metrics Every Engineering Manager Should Consider

 · 8 mins read

Metrics Every Engineering Manager Should Consider

Individuals who manage engineering teams are often measured by one metric: On Time Delivery. This means that you complete a certain percentage of your work by the deliverable date (or by end of a Sprint if using Agile principles). While it is a good start for measuring the success of your managers, it fails to address other aspects that these managers have direct influence over: retention and software quality. The engineering manager will only be successful if the team is successful. Let’s discuss how we can effectively quantify these measurements.

On Time Delivery

Recidivism Rate

This measurement gives you insight into how well your internal software process is working. The calculation:

Whenever something moves backward in this process, it adds to your percentage. Whenever tasks move forward, it decreases your percentage. The calculation for this is

  • SUM(Backward movement of task) / SUM(All task movement)

The goal with this metric is variable. Once you establish a baseline (probably between 10-20%) then you can start monitoring for outliers and have discussions as to what happened. Some example conversation that might be had:

  • Why did Stakeholders / PMs reject more cards this sprint?
  • Did engineers feel a need to move faster and therefore not test their own code?
  • Were the requirements on the card understood by all those involved? What was missing?

This quantitative measurement allows engineering managers insight into how their team is collaborating and how best to help them move forward together.

Sprint completion

Defined as the percent of a sprint that is completed and in production. This is usually set by management and aims for over 80% sprint completion on a sprint to sprint basis based on task estimates.

This metric helps the entire team align around breaking tasks down to their smallest unit. It also helps the entire team diversify the types of task that are allocated to the sprint.

Example: Let’s say that the max effort card to put in a sprint is 21 and you have 4 engineers. Your rolling 3 week velocity is 84. What are the chances of success of putting 4 21 point cards into a sprint? Compare that success to 2 21 point cards and a mix of other tasks. Which do you think has a better chance of success? It is absolutely possible that you will have 4 21 point tasks that are critical path, which is where measurements and incentives help drive this decision. If engineers are measured by output/value created and managers by on time delivery, then 9 times out of 10 they will avoid the 4 21 point card scenario because it has a higher probability of missing than a well diversified sprint.

Through this singular measurement we have aligned our product, management and engineering team in understanding what our output needs to be on a recurring basis. This informs the business about value created and gives them guidelines as to how long initiatives take.

Estimate Health

Let’s all agree that estimates on tasks are based on complexity and not time. The time it takes to complete 21 1 point cards versus 1 21 point card is not the same. With that baseline, estimate health essentially applies time bounds to cards and measures how well the estimate was.

In the example of a sprint with a max task of 21, a 21 point card would take the full sprint to complete. From that point downward, we apply a linear calculation for all possible points on tasks as it relates to time. As sprints progress, you will be able to evaluate what was over estimated and under estimated.

It is important to note that estimates are just that, estimates. It’s not a promise on delivery, it is an answer given to a problem with known knowledge at time of discussion without future alterations to the feature set. It is important, as a business, to get better at estimation and understand key drivers for what causes estimates to be off. As estimates get better, this gives the engineering manager a great way to forecast future deliveries.

Software Quality

Test Coverage

Defined as lines of executable code executed during test suite runs divided by total executable lines of code.

As software and products grow, it becomes incrementally difficult to continue to execute initiatives AT THE SAME PACE prior to initial launch. This happens due to code based getting larger, knowledge solos, business requirement changes, turnover and many other reasons. A healthy test suite, with appropriate use of the testing pyramid, can help mitigate this as it gives engineers confidence in incremental value without introduction bugs into production.

Something I have heard in the past regarding this: “Why should an engineering manager care about this? It seems like it takes time to write these test suites, time that can just be added to feature work!”

Engineering managers absolutely need to care about this metric. As stated before this metric gives engineers confidence in building software and deploying software. With this type of feedback (tests pass or tests fail), your engineers can be much more productive and maintain feature delivery rates with a healthy test suite in place. This predictability is an engineering managers dream. As systems get more complex, it is ever more important to invest in the test suite to help maintain that predictability.


Defined as a percentage of availability of a system in a given time frame. Example: To achieve a 99.9% uptime in a month, you can only be offline for 43 minutes and 49.7 seconds.

As engineers create systems and products, so many metrics are stored and created to track health of an application. Performance metrics like RPM (requests per minute), error rates and more are all valuable. Engineers absolutely care about these metrics because it effects their ability to support the product. From a managers perspective, these are less important to uptime. Uptime gives managers insight into how the overall system is acting from a 30,000 foot view.

The reason to track this as a manager is to ensure that your product is adding the value you expect and is consistently available for your customers.

Code Styles

An underrated tool for managing code quality are standard style guides for each language being used at your organization. By standardizing what your code will look like, you end up removing much cognitive load on the individuals building the feature and those that code review the feature. Here is a small example:

class Foo
  def bar
    return if baz?
    return unless boo?

class Foo
  def bar
    if baz?
      "Ping!" unless boo?

It will vary from person to person and team to team, but one of these is easier to read. It does not matter which is easier to read so long as the team collectively agrees on which is easier to read and enforce a rule in their style guide to keep it.

While rules are all well and good, you need to automatically enforce these rules. This is where linters come into play. Linters should be run locally and when pull requests are open.


Employee NPS

This is defined as how engaged, happy, and motivated your team is on a scale of 1-10.

Managers should be performing 1-1 meetings with individuals they are managing. These 1-1 meetings can surface issues that are happening in near real time. These issues are non quantifiable but are a great indicator to how happy and productive the team is.

A good proxy to measure this is NPS. NPS stands for net promoter score. Most companies do measure this internally on a semi annual or annual basis. From a managers perspective, this is useless data because it is way too infrequent to make any decisions. Instead, a manager should own their team’s NPS score and survey EVERY WEEK. This won’t take but 2-5 minutes of time from each member on your team and over time you can catch trends and problems faster as they arise. From a company standpoint, if a manager helps their team, grows their team and is supportive that will be reflected in the NPS. If your manager is just pushing you team to hit deadline after deadline, this will also be shown in the NPS score in a negative fashion.

This helps managers collaborate with other managers to find better ways of engaging their team and better ways of supporting their team. This is ultimately why managers need to be measured by more than just on time delivery.


We covered a lot of different metrics and use cases for them. The basic construct for these measurements are to analyze team behavior that a manager has influence over. These measurements help organizations identify behaviors that create value and add to the predictable release of value. These measurements are exactly what the mission of every engineer manager should be.

Photo Attribution

Photo by Lukas from Pexels